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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 6/7/07
Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Edward Havens, Jr., and R. Max Scheller

Members Absent: Carol Fletterick

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Carol Fletterick

Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others: Jay Ussery, J. R. Russo & Associates
        Haley Busch, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.
        Rob Peter, Design Professionals, Inc.
        David Turner, Wheel Design Group, LLC

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the June 5, 2007 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


May 1, 2007

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the May 1, 2007 regular meeting as presented.

Was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


1.      Beudreau Sewer Extension, addressStreet7 Abbe Road (approval to connect)

Mr. Jay Ussery from J.R. Russo & Associates was in attendance this evening to represent the application for Beudreau Sewer Extension.  This is a proposed sewer extension to service one single family residence currently located at 7 Abbe Road, corner of addressStreetMiller Road.  The house is currently on septic system; however, the septic tank has failed.  Apparently they did some investigative work six or eight months ago, with the Environmental Health Officer, Bob Deptula , and it was concluded that the soils are not receptive to a repair.  They reviewed a number of options, and extending the sewer line was the most feasible decision.  The property owner was able to negotiate an easement with the Calvanado, addressStreetWedgewood Lane property owner.  The existing septic tank will be removed and there will be cleanouts every 100 ft. to tie the building sewer into the existing system.

Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Ussery responded that they are not planning on putting laterals in and this will be a private line; therefore, the property owner is going to be responsible for the maintenance of the sewer line.

Chairman Carino stated that any motion taken on this application will be subject to the approval of the easement between the property owners.  Mr. Shaw received a copy of the easement and will forward it to the Town Attorney for review.  Also, the Authority will give approval only for the sewer extension, but they will not approve the connection to a Y in the back lot which connection will fail.

Motion to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for residential home located at 7 Abbe Road, South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “William J. & Linda L. Beaudreau, South Windsor, CT”; Prepared by J. R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT: Sheet: 1 of 2, No. 2007-012: “Sanitary Sewer Extension”; Dated: 4-12-07, with revision date of 5-22-07; and subject to the following conditions: (1) a private easement between the property owners must be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney, (2) the property owners will be responsible for the maintenance of the sewer lateral, (3) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Unitex, 145 South Satellite (approval for industrial discharge)

Mr. Shaw reported that this is a large commercial laundry on addressStreetSouth Satellite Road.  The tenant discharges a significant quantity of wastewater; the only concerned that the Town had was the pH.  The Town has been working with the DEP on this particular project; they have visited the site and met with their staff, and have made recommendations.  Unitex has installed equipment that satisfies both the DEP and the Town.  They are in the process of completing their DEP permit application; however, prior to that they need the approval from the Authority to be able to discharge wastewater of 70,000 gallons per day.

Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Shaw responded that the applicant is required to have an automatic pH control system, and a circular chart recorder; make weekly calibrations of equipment operation; a manual to explain how to maintain the equipment, training and calibration records; He also stated, that the Town and the State staff have the right to go in and check their equipment from time to time.  The Town and the State will be getting monthly discharge reports on the company’s letterhead certifying that they are doing everything to meet the requirements.

Motion to approve the application for Unitex located at 145 South Satellite, CitySouth Windsor, StateCT for discharge of industrial wastewater to the placeSouth Windsor sewer system.  This motion is subject to the following conditions: (1) the wastewater discharge each day will not exceed 70,000 gallons per day; (2) the total daily flow and the pH needs to be monitored; (3) provide monthly reports for compliance with DEP and the Town regulations.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

3.      ECHN II, addressStreetBuckland Road (approval to connect –revised plan)

Ms. Haley Busch was present this evening to represent Casle Corp.  They are proposing two medical office buildings that are approximately 30,000 sq. feet each, for a total of 60,000 sq. ft.  Ultimately they will tie into the Evergreen Walk/Gateway sewer that is a 12 inch PVC, trunk sewer.  There are two laterals, one for each of the buildings, with a 6” PVC at a minimum slope of 2%.

Answering questions from the Authority, Mr. Shaw responded that only sanitary waste will be disposed from the sewer; there will be no industrial or medical waste.

Chairman Carino had a concerned about approving a sewer to be installed on a property owned by Evergreen Walk.  However, it was stated that the application has been signed by both owners; the building owner and the property owner of Evergreen Walk.  With that stated, the Authority moved to make a motion.

Motion to approve the application as presented for a connection to the Town’s sewerage system for two proposed commercial buildings as more specifically shown on plans entitled “ECHN 2 at Evergreen Walk, Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT; Final Development Plan”; Developed by Casle Corporation, Avon, CT; Project No.: 00-481S20, Sheet No.: CU.1.1 and CU.1.2“Utility Plan – Phase 1”, Dated 04-09-07 with revision date of 05-09-07, and Sheet No.: CU1.3 “Utility Plan 2”, Dated 04-09-07 with revision date of 05-09-07; and subject  to (1) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

4.      placePlaceNameQuarry PlaceTypeBrook PlaceNameVillage – Phase II, 972 Pleasant Valley Road

Mr. Rob Peter was in attendance this evening to represent the application for placePlaceNameQuarry PlaceTypeBrook PlaceNameVillage, Phase II.  Currently there are six condominiums completed and served

by a sewer installed as part of the Phase I project.  Subsequently, they had the opportunity to acquire the adjacent property.  This property at the moment has a home and two garages that are in poor condition; that will be demolished.  Also, this property is currently connected to a septic system that will have to be removed.  Therefore, the applicant is proposing four new units that will be tie into the existing sewer lateral with a manhole as shown in the plans.  This subdivision has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Answering questions from the Authority, the proposed four units will be tying into a single lateral internally.  Mr. Shaw explained that in the past, the Authority has require that each of the 4” pipes coming out of each unit tying into a larger pipe to avoid the problems that presented in the past with one unit blocking up.  Mr. Peter responded that they are proposing having no bends, no elbows, and will be able to serve these four units with one clean-out at the end of the building.  They are proposing 4” inch pipe outside the foundation.

After a brief discussion, the Authority requested installing a 4” interior pipe and 6” exterior pipe sufficient to handle the four units.  The condo association is responsible for any activity that causes the blocking within the four inch pipe in the four units.

Motion to accept the application as presented for the proposed four residential units connection to the Town’s sewerage system as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Quarry Brook Village – Phase II, Site Plan/Special Exception, 972 Pleasant Valley Road, South Windsor, Connecticut”, Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT: Sheet No.: 5/5, “Topographic Plan” Job No.: 1907.2, Drawing No.: JOBS/1907.2/1907.2, Dated: 4/6/2007, with no revision date; and subject to the following conditions: the condo association will be responsible for maintaining the sewer laterals; (2) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to add to the Agenda Item C-8 Wheel Design Group

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to move to Item C-8 Wheel Design Group (approval for industrial discharge); and then return to Item C-5.

8.      Wheel Design Group (approval for industrial discharge)

Mr. Shaw reported that Wheel Design Group is located at addressStreet571 Nutmeg Road.  It will involve a discharge of 55 gallons of process wastewater to the Town sewer system.  There is a Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) discharge permit that requires the Town approval as well.  Mr. Shaw has reviewed the information provided concerning the impact of the cutting oil into the Town’s sewer and plant and he is satisfied it will not cause a problem.

Mr. David Turner, from Corporate Environmental Advisors was in attendance to support this application.  He reported that the Wheeler Design Group makes specialty wheel products.  The application involves discharge wastewater into the Town’s sewer system after cleaning the wheel products which are drilled with a cnc machine.  The only chemical involved is water soluble cutting oil.  A small amount of the liquid is used to drill the wheel.  The wastewater discharged will be about 55 gallon per day.  It does require approval from the Authority as well from DEP.  Based on the discharge flow, the applicant needs to monitor quarterly, and they have to comply with DEP and Town regulations.

They also proposed a dual filtration system to remove from the water the metal chips and shavings from the wheel drilling.  At the beginning of the drain a #20 mesh stainless steel trap will be installed.  And after the drain, a “plumbers trap”, will also be installed.  The “plumbers trap” is also equipped with a stainless steel mesh filter.

Motion was made by Mr. Aires
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

Motion to accept the application for Wheel Design Group located at addressStreet571 Nutmeg Road, CitySouth Windsor, StateCT for discharge of industrial wastewater to the placeSouth Windsor sewer system.  This motion is subject to the following conditions: (1) final approval from DEP; (2) the industrial process wastewater discharge each day will not exceed 55 gallons per day.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to change the word Adjustment to Adoption in the Agenda, Item C5.  Therefore, motion to go back to item C-5 Adoption of Sewer Charges for FY 2007/2008.

Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

5.      Adoption of Sewer User Charges for FY 2007/2008

Motion to adopt the Sewer User Charges, sewer assessment charges and septic disposal fees for FY 2007/2008, as presented this evening at the WPCA Public Hearing.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

6.      Adjustment to Commercial user Charges for FY 2006/2007

Mr. Shaw reported that he received confirmation from the Building Department concerning the commercial building at addressStreet1343 Sullivan Avenue.  They have been billed this past year for a full year.  The Building Department has confirmed that the interior plumbing for the facility was not connected until March.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw proposed that the user fees be changed from a full figure of $244 to a prorate fee of $80 for the last few months of the fiscal year.  Previously, this location was removed from the billing list because of extensive interior renovation, but were put back on the list as the project neared completion.  It was determined that there was one lateral serving both buildings.  Each building will have a separate water meter.

Motion to accept the adjustment of addressStreet1343 Sullivan Avenue User Charge from $244 to $80.00 for the FY 2006/2007 user bill, in accordance with the memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated June 5, 2007 (see Exhibit A).

The motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

7.      Set date for July 2007 meeting

Motion was made to set Tuesday, July 17, 2007 as a regular meeting of the WPCA, at 7:30 p.m. in the Sprenkel Room.

Motion was made by Mr. Deming
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported that a meeting was held with the Town Council on the 21st of May, and the project to upgrade the Treatment Plant was reviewed.  However, DEP was not going to be looking at the plant design plans until the Town was prepared to move forward with/or without Clean Water Fund grants or a loan.  In order to move forward while

retaining grant eligibility, it was necessary to request from DEP a deviation from the Clean Water Fund regulations.  The Town Council has given approval to request the deviation and a letter was sent to DEP by the Town Manager.




1.      1333 and 1343 Sullivan Avenue sewer connection

Mr. Shaw will report on this item at a later meeting.



Motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Date Approved: September 4, 2007